Sunday, February 17, 2008


The last two bags were good, but my ultimate goal was to make a bag out of plastic and seal the seams with more plastic bags all a string to the top and make a 100% waterproof bag. So to make this bag I did the following steps.
1. Lay a bag down flat and cut the bottom and handles off.
2. Cut up the length giveing you a sheet of plastic.
3. Do this 4 times.
4. Lay down a sheet of wax paper.
5. Pile the plastic bags on the wax paper. They dont need to all fit on the wax paper I had to lay it down iron it and move it 4 times.
6. Lay the second piece of wax paper on top of the sheet of plastic.
7. Iron the sheets together and more it forword and reiron. Your iron should be set just hotter then silk.
8. Fold the sheet in half and sew it the the edges.
9. Iron a second piece of plastic over the seams sealing the bag.
10. Sew a string along on side of the top of the bag.
11. Fill the bag with junk.
12. Roll the flap down and tie closed.

Your bag is now 97% waterproof!!!

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Saturday, February 16, 2008

GroceryBag Bag

The last thing I made on my weekend DIYing spree was to make a bag out of old plastic bags. First I took an old grocery bag layed it flat, then I cut the bottom and the handles off I then cut it in half giving me a sheet of plastic. Next I folded it four times making sure the printing was on the inside. Then I put down a sheet of wax paper placed the bag on that and covered it with a second piece of plastic and ironed away until it was one thick piece of plastic. Then I used it just like fabric and made a little bag. But I took it a step further and cut out the letters E-T-H-A-N and iron them onto a piece of plastic so I had a logo to show that it was the real deal not some cheap knock off of the soon to me famous Ethan designer bags.. The bag it super cool if I was a girl that is. This also was fun project to make on a weekend.

But I liked the first one so much I made a smaller one. Only this one was just a proof of concept. I made a small bag then I iron a second sheet of plastic other the seams giving me a 100% waterproof bag. So look out for a full size on next weekend.

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Wire Ring

I made this ring out of a old wire hanger. It was made by first wrapping wire twice around a rod the size of my finger then you twist the top to get the swirl on top. This project was fun, easy and looks really cool. Its too bad it looks girly or I might wear it.
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Quarter Ring

I also made this ring out of a quarter. Back when coins were made with silver kids would hammer the edge of the coin to the size of there finger and then cut out the middle and sand it smooth. In the end they had a solid silver ring. I dont have any silver coins laying around to hammer so I used a quarter. This ring didnt turn out to good, and looks find of funny looking, but it was fun.
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Monday, February 11, 2008

My Fll team

For the past two years I have been coaching a local FLL team. FLL(First Lego League) is a competition were teams of up to 10 kids build Lego robots to compete in a new challenge each year. They also must research the subject of that years competition and present there findings to a panel of judges. To find out more about FLL visit the First Lego League Site Also check out my FLL.

My Podcast

I have wanted to start a podcast for many years know never have been able to get one started, but I hope to do so very soon. To listen to my intro podcast check out My Podcast Page.

My Robots

For the past few years I have been building more and more advanced Lego and none Lego robots. To see all of my works check out MindstormMaster1's LEGO Creations

Me and Only Me

I got this idea because of two things:

1. Justin from became famous by taping a web cam to his head and streaming what he was doing 24-7

2. People always like self portraits.

So I thought what would happen if I take pictures of my self every chance I get and upload 100+ self portraits every Monday. Then I was goofing around I found that if you scroll thru a ton of pictures really fast its kind of cool so I got the idea why not upload the pictures and upload a 30 second video that scrolls thru all the pictures really fast.

1. Buy a camera.
2. Make video for first set of pictures.
3. Start taking pictures every week.